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Coming Event - QBA Novice Pairs Congress - Sunnybank 0930 start

QBA Novice Pairs Congress - Sunnybank 0930 start     More details
DateSunday, 7 May 2023, starting 9:00am for 9:30am start
LocationSunnybank Bridge Club, 69 Nathan Road, Runcorn
MealsBYO Lunch
Other informationEntry Fee $60 per pair
DetailsEntries close 6:00pm on 3/5/2023. Limit of 24 tables. If numbers have to be limited, last in will be first out.
 Each player must have <100MPs as at 28/2/2023 and an approved current ABF system card. Green and Blue systems only.
 Pay online by closing date. EFT details - BSB 484-799, Acct No 000860772. Include Surname & �Novice� in reference details
 Tea, Coffee and snacks available all day. Drinks after play.
  ¶ Email an entry to the convenor at [email protected] .
  ¶ Click here to download entry form from QBA web site (the entry form may contain Conditions of Contest and other important details.)
List of entriesEntries processed to date:
 QBA Novice Pairs Congress - Sunnybank 0930 start (30 entries logged)
ResultsResults available on QBA web site.

1Richard Tarnawski / Debbie Hoogerdyk  
2Lois Munro / Anna De Borah Paid 
3Marianna De Jongh / Karen Moss Paid 
4Chris Pohle / Clive Terry Paid 
5Judith Bramich / Bernice Cooper Paid 
6Pam Warrell / Suzi Leahy Paid 
7Di Tierney / Wendy Carter Paid 
8Lee Pitt / June McNamara Paid 
9Sue Calthrop / Stuart Stoddart Paid 
10Allie Hays / Runo Simonsen Paid 
11Nigel Fellows / Chantelle Smalbil Paid 
12Heather Llewellyn / Brenda Wilson Paid 
13Christine Atkin / Alice Edwards Paid 
14Peter Green / Sue Green Paid 
15Jodie Ramsey / Anthea te Kloot Paid 
16Donna L'estrange / Honey Wong Paid 
17George Collings / Phil Kay Paid 
18Richard Huysmans / John Reed  
19Lou Stanley / Anne Welsh Paid 
20Carol Findlay / Jenny Thompson Paid 
21Malcolm Corney / Bev Wilde Paid 
22Anna Oprysa / Sandra Lawrence Paid 
23Chris Ferguson / Eve Sirigos Paid 
24Stephen Bennett / Louise Bennett Paid 
25Willi Lim / David Crocker Paid 
26Vanessa Wells / Anna Green Paid 
27Kerry Gibson / Pauline Curin Paid 
28Paddy Taylor / Alex Wu Paid 
29Kelly Hill / Claire Neale Paid 
30Diane Sakrzewski / Roy Best